「測定」の認識論的基盤 : 明治・大正期の学校身体検査を題材に
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This paper focuses on "measurement" as a feature which is peculiar to the modern school. In particular "Shintai-kensa", physical examination held before the war will be taken as its theme. Tracing back the historical record of the measuring practice, we aim to examine the changing method of the practice and consider what kind of perspective lay behind it. It was the early Meiji that Jpananese school system first introduced this kind of physical examination in terms of "Katsuryoku-kensa", whose purpose was to see the effect of gymnatics which was introduced then. Afterward, in the later of Meiji era, it evolved to "Shintai-kensa", whose object was whole students throughout Japan, which can be regarded as foundation of the present style; "Kenko-shindan". The point I want to make is that that kind of test was not carried out in order to observe the physical condition of each student unlike today. Its perspective was based on the statistical thinking. Compared with the current trend, less attenteion used to be paid to the individual at that time. We will analyze the changing view toward the individual subject by exploring the varying method of data processing of physical examination adopted in the modern school system.
- 東京大学の論文
- 1997-12-12
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