- 論文の詳細を見る
Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) is suited for the clinical applications of auditory problems and the estimation of electrophysiological functions of neuro-activity in the brainstem. Especially, the peak latency of the ABR wave V is a reliable index for the clinical examination of neurology.Therefore in this study it is firstly discussed for the functional relation between the peak latency of the ABR wave V and the parameters of the stimulus click which are intensity, duration and interval by using the data of 30 normal adult subjects, and secondly a practical experimental formula is presented. These two steps of the consideration of this study are important for the former from the point of view of considering the background theory,and for the latter from the practical side. The report of this study is made as two papers of the series ( I ), (n), corresponding to these two steps. This paper is the series ( I ), and reports the former one that the 3 dimensional type of function is estimated by the use of 2 dimensional experimental functions with consideration of characteristics of the ABR wave V by the click stimulation of which parameters were changed within 30 and 90 dB nHL in the intensity,within 12.5 and 50.0 ms in the interval, and 0.1 to 1.0 ms in the duration.
- 帝京平成大学の論文
- 1997-06-01
- 環境バイオセンサとしてのPhysarum Polycephalumの研究
- SA-7-2 高齢者の都市空間認識(2)
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- タイトル無し
- Experimental formula for the wave V peak latency of the auditory evoked response(II): : Derivation of a practical formula by appling the 3 dimentional function to the experimetal data.
- Experimental formula for the wave V peak latency of the auditory evoked responses(I):Estimation of a type of function by 3 dimentional paramaters
- 聴性脳幹反応の第V波ピーク潜時に対する実験式(I) : 3次元パラメータに対する関数形の推定
- 聴性脳幹反応の第V波ピーク潜時に対する実験式(II) : 3次元パラメータに対する関数形の推定