- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make a model of pattern formation for food, we investigated the basic parameters of formation in the plasmodium Physarum polycephalum. This paper presents simulation algorithm of the pattern formation of plasmodium for food. A plasmodium was isolated in the oatmeal agar culture. It changes the shape as it crawls over a plain agar gel culture and, if oatmeal is place at one point, it will put out pseudopodia to the oatmeal source. The number, length of the branch and shape of the pseudopodium were different in distance between plasmodium and food. Initially plasmodium positioned on the agar was spread at non-direction. After that, it spread the branches of pseudopodium for food. After its branch reaches to the food, all branches and stem of plasmodium moved to the same direction for food. Our program which have three algorithms of the selection of the direction for food, distance selection and of the angle selection, needed 2 B (int type), 8 B (double type) parameters, 26 B for a branch and about 100 kB for memories. It is confirmed that simulation program with 11 parameters shows basic features in the shape of the plasmodium pseudopodia for food. These parameters, however, are not enough to present the stem moving of plasmodium after branch reaching to food.
- 帝京平成大学の論文
- 2001-12-25
- 環境バイオセンサとしてのPhysarum Polycephalumの研究
- SA-7-2 高齢者の都市空間認識(2)
- 高齢者の都市空間認識
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- 高齢者咳情報の解析
- 2-1 視覚刺激による脳波の反応に関する検討
- W411 眼球運動によるアルツハイマー性痴呆症の診断支援プログラムの開発(診断技術, 生理計測)(シンポジウム : 福祉工学)
- SA-8-1 高齢者咳情報処理の基礎研究
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- 335 漂白剤が粘菌に与える影響(GS-11:再生組織・細胞(2),一般セッション,学術講演)
- 334 酸性雨が変形菌Physarum Polycephalum原形質流動に及ぼす影響(GS-11:再生組織・細胞(2),一般セッション,学術講演)
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- 227 粘菌の行動パターン形成のシミュレーション(複雑系)(OS.12 : パターン形成と複雑性)
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- タイトル無し
- Experimental formula for the wave V peak latency of the auditory evoked response(II): : Derivation of a practical formula by appling the 3 dimentional function to the experimetal data.
- Experimental formula for the wave V peak latency of the auditory evoked responses(I):Estimation of a type of function by 3 dimentional paramaters
- 聴性脳幹反応の第V波ピーク潜時に対する実験式(I) : 3次元パラメータに対する関数形の推定
- 聴性脳幹反応の第V波ピーク潜時に対する実験式(II) : 3次元パラメータに対する関数形の推定