光の散亂に關する粉體の研究(第1報) : 透明粉體層による散亂透過光の強度分布
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In search of the relations between the optical properties and the other factors of powders such as the size and the shape, the intensity-distribution of the scattered light was measured by means of photographic photometry. A beam' of a nearly monochromatic light was throuwn through the slit of various width on the powder layer composed of the following substances : the spherically polymerized meta-acryl resin powders, glass powders and zinc oxides and carbonates, each having various sizes aud shapes. The transmitted light was photographed on a process plate put in an intimate contact with the powder layer. An approximate formula was derived theoretically giving a relative intensity of scattered light at a point distant x from the center, namely the geometrical exit of the incident light beam. The relative intenstity was expressed by [numerical formula] in which n is the number of powder sub-layers per unit length, p the reflectivity due to a single sub-layer, l the thickness of the scattering layer, and h the coefficient of diffusion of light. The agreement of the formula with the experimental results was proved satisfactory, and the parameters p and h, determined in this way, expressed reasonably the characteristics of the powders. (Received May 18, 1951)
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
- 1951-08-20
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