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[Author abstract]The following results were obtained by the study on the spatial distribution of egg population of a leaf mining fly, P. ranunculi Eggs tended to be laid more or less contagiously among leaves. The resultant distribution remained to be contagious even if the effect of variation of the leaf size upon the distribution of eggs among leaves was subtracted from the raw distribution. The contagiousness in the resultant distribution seems to depend mainly upon the opposition behavior of female flies. On the other hand, it was clarified by use of the distance method that eggs tended to be laid randomly at the density lower than five eggs per cm.^2 but concentrically in some parts in a leaf at the higher density. Such a bias in the distribution of eggs in a leaf may arise from the heterogeneity of the conditions among parts in a leaf.[著者抄録]キツネノボタンハモグリバエの卵の空間分布の特質を実験的に検討して、つぎの結果を得た。すなわち卵の葉あたり分布はやや集中的であったが、葉面積の変異の影響を除いてもなお分布は集中的であった。これは主として雌成虫の産卵行動の特質にもとずくと考えられる。また1枚の葉のなかでの卵の分布を間隔法によって分析した結果、1cm^2あたり約5卵以下の密度の葉ではランダムに、またそれ以上の密度の葉では集中的に産下される傾向があった。分布のこの場所的偏りは主として同一葉内でも産卵場所としての好適性に部分的に差違があるために生じたと考えられる。
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1976-03-15
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