Fossiliferous Localities of the Nachola-Samburu Hills Area, Northern Kenya
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the four geographic/stratigraphic areas of the Samburu Hills and Nachola, west of Baragoi, Kenya, a significant number of fossiliferous localities was found. Nachola area is dated to the middle Miocene, the Namurungule Formation in Samburu Hill to the upper Miocene, Kongia area to the Mio-Pliocene and Holocene to the are near Suguta valley and in the drainage systems of the Samburu Hills to the Holocene. The site BG X in Nachola yielded a number of fossils provisionally assigned to Kenyapithecus. An important large hominoid specimen occurred in site SH 22 of the Namurungule Formation. Undoubtedly a great many additional sites await discovery.
- 京都大学の論文
Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University
Faculty of Education, Kagawa University
Yoshihiko NAKANO
Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University
Department of Human Nursing, University of Shiga Prefecture
Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, Kyoto University
Nakaya Hideo
Faculty Of Engineering Kagawa University
Martin Pickford
Collège De France Paris
Hidemi Ishida
Faculty Of Human Sciences Osaka University
Hidemi Ishida
Laboratory Of Physical Anthropology Department Of Zoology Kyoto University
National Museums of Kenya
Hidemi Ishida
Department Of Human Nursing University Of Shiga Prefecture
石田 英実
Yoshihiko Nakano
Faculty Of Human Sciences Osaka University
NAKANO Yoshihiko
Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University
Faculty of Human Sciences, Osaka University
Department of Nursing, Seisen University, Hikone
National Museums of Kenya
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- Thryonomyid Rodent from the Late Miocene Namurungule Formation, Samburu Hills, Northern Kenya
- Hind limb of the Nacholapithecus kerioi holotype and implications for its positional behavior
- 新生代九州・沖縄地方産大型脊椎動物化石
- Hind limb of the Nacholapithecus kerioi holotype and implications for its positional behavior
- Editorial Note
- Postcranial bones of infant Nacholapithecus: ontogeny and positional behavioral adaptation
- Hind limb of the Nacholapithecus kerioi holotype and implications for its positional behavior