アフリカ (サハラ以南) の新第三紀哺乳動物群
- 論文の詳細を見る
The intent of this study was to show the Neogene mammalian faunal change of the sub-Saharan Africa and the Relationships of the late Miocene mammalian faunas of the sub-Saharan Africa and the Eurasia. I reviewed the Neogene mammalian fauna of the sub-Saharan Africa and studied the phylogenetic relationships of some taxa from the Namurungule Formation (late Miocene), Northern Kenya.The sub-Saharan mammalian fauna of Neogene and its environments change from forest type to savanna type at the late Miocene. Tetralophodon from the Namurungule Formation was the most advanced type of Gomphotheriidae (Proboscidea) of the Eurasia and Africa, the large form of Hipparionine (Equidae, Perissodactyla) was very similar to Cormohipparion perimense of the Siwaliks, Iranotherinae (Rhinocerotidae, Perissodactyla) was similar to the taxa from Spain, Iran, the Siwaliks, and China.These facts support the idea that the Namurungule mammalian fauna consists mostly of the common Eurasian taxa and the unique African taxa, and this late Miocene fauna becomes the nucleus of the Pliocene to Pleistocene mammalian fauna of the sub-Saharan Africa.
- 日本アフリカ学会の論文
仲谷 英夫
仲谷 英夫
Department Of Earth Sciences Faculty Of Education Kagawa University
Nakaya Hideo
Faculty Of Engineering Kagawa University
Nakaya Hideo
Earth And Environmental Sciences Faculty Of Sciences Kagoshima University
仲谷 英夫
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- 北海道,穂別町の上部白亜系より産出したエラスモサウルス科(爬虫類,鰭竜目,長頚竜亜目)化石〔英文〕
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- ケニア北部サンブルヒルズの哺乳類動物群からみた地質年代と古環境 (総特集 人類誕生--その前夜と黎明)
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- Additional Large Mammalian Fauna from the Namurungule Formation, Samburu Hills, Northern Kenya
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- The Late Miocene Large Mammal Fauna from the Namurungule Formation, Samburu Hills, Northern Kenya
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- アフリカ (サハラ以南) の新第三紀哺乳動物群
- Additional Materials of the Late Miocene Rodents from the Namurungule Formation in the Samuburu Hills, Northern Kenya
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