アジア通貨危機とマレーシアの対応 : 緊急避難措置の背景にあるもの
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In the Asian monetary crises Malaysian Government took recourse to "non-orthodox" approach in September 1998 by fixing the exchange rate of Malaysian dollar to US dollar accompanied by the control of outflow of capital. These emergency measures got as expected negative responses from the international financial circles including the IMF. However, Malaysia managed to come out of economic crises along other economies such as South Korea and Thailand which followed the IMF austerity measures. Some of the harsh remarks by Premier Mahathir against international hedge funds could be understood in the wider framework of his "Bumiputra" policy, Malaysia's history and Islamic identity. It is too early to present the Malaysian response as a model to be followed by other countries. However, it is worth noticing that Malaysia tries to carry out "IT" revolution with the understanding that otherwise she will lag behind again in economic development. Malaysia has to balance her will to have independent policy decisions with demands of MNCs in the IT industries. How to solve these dilemmas could be new challenges for Malaysian models.
- 宇都宮大学の論文
- 2000-10-01
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