ホロコースト表象の現在(II) : 映画『ショアー』と『ショアー』以後
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The Holocaust Representation found a turning point at the release of the film "Shoah" , and it has also a close relationship to a lot of publications of the so-called Revisionist Books in the 1980's. As in the first part of my paper the problem of the possibility of Holocaust-representation is considered here once again, an issue which the film made. Lanzmann called those in testimony who lived through the Holocaust but it is very difficult to testify the existenee of it, because sweeping away all the evidenee characterizes these actions. Landzmam's persistent interviews, however, gained our cumulative response. The film "Schindler's List" is very popular in contrast with the metaphysics of the film "Shoah" and this quality and Spilberg's skillful production called up consciences all over the world. These two ways are different reflecting the attitude of a movie director but are very valid and effective in the same way as a work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction.
- 1998-06-30
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