経営発展と現代の経営 : 経営学の現代的課題
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I Introduction - The age of revolutionary changes As anyone knows, since recent several years our social, political, economic and industrical worlds have been changed from their foundation. It may be rightly called the revolutionary change. For example, it may be enoueh only to Point out the collapse of Soviet Russia and the disappearance of the Communist Party. And they betrayed, we belive, the defects of the industrial management. And all capitalsti coutries can not but also receive the important effects from their changes. How must our science do to meet these effects? II The managerial capitalism and the new task of the science of the business management As Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. points out, the classical capitalism has changed into the managerial capitalism. In this managerial capitalism, the managerial management regards no more the traditional "logic of capital and the principle of profit maximization" as important as in the entrepreneurial management. But we may be able to find the merits of the logic of capital in the fact of the rapid growth and development of the entreneurial management through their violent competition of a mass production, mass sales, and mass consumptoin. In these circamstances what must our science of the business management do? What is the new task of it? III The fundamental theory of the business management development In this revolutionally changing world as above mentioned, our science of the business management must not be only the theory of the growth but also the theory of the deveolpment. As everyone knows, Joseph Schumpeter pointed out the motives of the economic development in the "new combinations" namely the innovation or destructive-creation, creative-destruciton. And Chester I. Barnard explains that the conditions of the survival (and the development) of the organization are the external equibrium (it contains the effectiveness and the efficiency) and internal equibrium (this means a proportion between three elements). I think that the words they explain the development are very different but they mean practically the same. Therefore, in the following, we wish to treat of the fundamental problems of the development theory with reference to them. They are as follows. a) The strategy of the research and development. b) The growth and development of the business. c) The growth and development of the corporation. d) The development of the management group. e) The development of the form of the business management existence.
- 広島文化学園大学の論文
- 1994-05-31
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