言説環境としての日本論 : 小説『ライジング・サン』における排除/包摂の差異線をてがかりにして
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In this paper, we will discuss the image of Japan or the Japanese during the period of economic friction between Japan and America, analyzing the novel Rising sun (1992). This novel begins with the murder of American prostitute serving Japanese men, whose dead body is discovered in the building of a Japanese corporation. It ends with the scene in which the American hero finally finds out that the murderer is a Japanese. This means that the text is constituted with the dichotomy of Americans versus the Japanese, and that the prostitute symbolizes that the Americans fall a victim to the power of Japanese money. In other words, the Weltanschauung (world-view) of the text is an Orientalistic or nationalistic one. From this point of view, we will especially focus on how this world view is justified within the text. This justification requires the categorization of marginal people, who are not included in either us or them, into American or Japanese. Considering this point, we will analyze what logic is applied to this categorization. Throughout this analysis, we will show that the justification in the long run fails because the woman of mixed African-American and Japanese parentage appears in the text. Her cultural and racial identity is neither American nor Japanese. Therefore this world view is self-contradictory within the text. In fact, however, a lot of readers interpret this novel as a story of the economic war between America and Japan. The reason why this misreading occurred is, we will suggest, that the reader unconsciously ignores the existence of marginal people within the text and justifies their own views.
- 長崎大学の論文
- 2003-10-31
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