- 論文の詳細を見る
In all through the history of the Christianity, one can perceive three different kinds of conception and related theology of the Christ's resurrection. The first is a phenomenal and primitive-realistic conception and theology. It has been the most common and predominant. It accepts the original Easter experiences depicted in the New Testaments as absolute historical truth. The second is a subjectivistic conception and theory. The historicity and objectivity of the resurrection is denied. All of the the so-called Easter experiences depicted in the New Testaments are taken as unrelated to Christ himself who had been dead and buried, and are explained simply as products of the subjective faith of the disciples of Jesus and their community. The third is an ontological and moderate-realistic conception and theology. It takes the resurrection of Christ as an objective affair concerned with the ontological reality of his being in the supernatural realm. The so-called Easter-Experiences are explained as substantially objective experiences of revelation of the resurrection to the disciples and their community.
- 長崎純心大学・長崎純心大学短期大学部の論文
- 2002-03-01
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