地教行法下における教育長の選任方法に関する実証的研究 : 教育長「専任制」と「兼任制」の比較分析
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The selection system of superintendent has a lot of variations. Before decentralization reform in Japan, the prefectures and the communes have adopted a different system. In communes, they had elected superintendent among from the members of the board of education (this system is called "concurrent system"). In prefectures, however, they had elected superintendent from other than the board of education (this system is called "proper system"). Prefectures are also the same system as communes now, This article is intended to compare two selection systems of superintendent. How did the difference between two systems affect superintendent's career and his (or her) tenure and position in the local government? To compare two systems, this study focuses on the ordinance-designated city. Through this survey, the following points became clear. The difference of the selection system of superintendent affects superintendent's tenure and career. Under the proper system, the number of the superintendents who experienced the teacher decrease, and his or her tenure become short. And the proper system may have lowered the superintendent's status in the local government. However, under the concurrent system, the influence of the governor or the assembly may be strengthened.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2003-03-10
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