「解放」前中国における郷村教育運動 : 中華平民教育促進会をめぐって
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I. The purpose of the paper To analyze the Ting Hsien Experiment by the Chinese National Association of the Mass Education Movement, and to identify problems which existed at the Rural Education Movement in Modern China. II. Contents The Mass Education Movement, organized as a National Association in 1923, arose in recognition of the problems inherent in the situation of a vast, neglected population. While the movement started with a literacy program, it did not stop there, because it took more than literacy to equip the people to cope with the problems of modern life. Beginning with 1929, the point of emphasis of the Movement shifted from extensive promotion of literacy to intensive study of life in the rural district. And there were an attempt conducted by the Mass Education Movement in the Province of Hopei, North China, what is called "Ting Hsien Experiment". The essential idea of this experiment was to take an entire "hsien", or district, as a unit for laboratory study, in all the aspects that constitute the life of a community. And with the aid of a grant from the Rocfeller Foundation and Milbank Foundation etc., the Association greatly developed its activities. It was convinced that ignorance, poverty, disease, and civic disintegration were four fundamental weakness of Chinese life. And through study and practical experimentation, a workable reconstruction program has been evolved, with four aspects, Cultural, Economic, Health, and Political, to deal specifically with the four weaknesses, but to be applied as a whole. And for infusion of the Four Fold Program into people's life, "Three Types of Education" were evolved, to reach the people through the three channels of School, Home, and Community. In Ting Hsien Experiment, serious and painstaking study was made by scholars and scientists. This study, however, was not fully relative to the real life of the Ting Hsien, so it had borne little fruit. And in 1937 when the War of Resistance Against Japan began Ting Hsien Experiment ended.
- 東京大学の論文
- 1985-02-28
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- 6-a 高先生と丁先生に対して : これからの市民社会における大学の役割 (指定討論者の発言) (パネルディスカッション : 平和と文化の地域拠点としての大学の役割をめぐって) (「環日本海生涯学習フォーラム」の記録) (特別号)
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