阿波踊りにおけるコンクールの効果 : 全日本大学阿波踊り選手権大会と学生連について
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Awa Dance in the postwar period had been refined due to the contents heldfor several years. The contest held for several years in the postwar periodcontributed to the refinement of Awa Dance. They also contributed to the birth of"reputed troops(yumei ren)" which belonged to the association. Many troops hasbeen formed with these troops as the top of hierarchy. Seeking ideal dancing, thereputed troops practiced night and day, contrived ways to find better formation andmovement and established the dance to show. on the other hand, students'groups had been seen as relieving stress and enjoying sense of solidarity instead ofshowingtheir skills of dancing.In 1987,the first“All-Nippon Interoollegiate Championship contents ofAwa Dance" was held and it had been continued for 11 yearss since then. Thisstudy deals with the background or prehistory of this contest and reasons why itceased to exist.The primary purpose for holding the intercollegiate contest was to enhanceAwa Dance cuuture. But it also functioned as a measure against the groups ofstudents who disturbed the spectators with too much excessive energy. Onenewspaper article showed this by quoting the words of a member of executivecommittee stating: it was organized to improve the image of students' groupswhich were frowned upon since many of the stuents danced under the influenceof alcohol.The reasons why the contest stopped 12 years after its start are: 1) itachieved the primary aim,2) it became stereotyped in a rut,and 3) due to budgetcurtailmeilt. In place of the collegiate contest,“Intercollegiate Awa DanceFestival" was newly organized by the students themselves. fu order to investigatehow the dances of the students' groups were performed,the dances of threes studentgroups which participated in the 2002 festival were videotaped and theirformations and movements were analyzed.As a result, their dances on the whole are found to be in no way inferior tothose of the reputed troops. The roles played by these contests and festivals arenoted to be very significant to raise the level of the students' dances as onenewspaper article says,“They all performed serious-minded student dance."
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