- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study,the origin of the Awa Dance is examined by comparing the existingtheories. Books and articles concerning these theories have been collected and areexamined as summarized below.1) The theory ascribing the origin to Shoryo Odori,a religious event observed duringthe Obon period to comfort the spirits of the deceased. This has been supported bymany historians and folklorists.2)The theory ascribing the origin to the celebration for the construction of the newcastle. It states that,to celebrate the completion of the new castle,the first lord of theAwa Clan allowed townspeople of the precinct a free and easy night on which the dancewas first performed. This is a widely acknowledged theory,but historians deny it,considering the situations at that time in detail.3)The theory ascribing the origin to thanksgiving for harvesting crops. This theorysays that the dance is to express the gratitude of the common people living on cerealsfor successful crops, and that the dance imitates actions for driving away harmfulanimals. Opinions in a similar vein,however,have not been proposed.4) The theory ascribing the origin to Huryu Odori,popular around the end of theAge of Provincial Wars.This theory states that the forms and shapes of Bon Odoridescribed in Kasugasaiki (Festival Records of the Kasuga Shrine) and those of HuryuOdori described in Miyoshiki (Chronicle of the Miyoshi Clan) are quite similar,andconcludes that the Awa Dance originates from Huryu Odori. Although the forms andshapes of the dances described in Miyoshiki and Kasugasaiki are quite alike, BonOdori described in Kasugasaiki is classified as kumiodori,not zomeki,the type of thepresent Awa Dance. Therefore,Huryu Odori cannot be considered as the origin ofthe Awa Dance.5)The theory relating the origin to the spread along the Black (Japan) Current.This theory is based on the fact that many dances similar to the Awa Dance are foundin Okinawa,Amami and Kagoshima Prefecture and says that the Awa Dance originatesfrom the dances in fashion at the southern ports. But this theory itself was withdrawnby the theorist himself because of the differences of dancing rhythms. The southernrhythm is based on one beat, while the Awa Dance is based upon the so-called"Bon-ashi," two beat rhythm.6)The theory ascribing the origin to "Eejanaika," a movement near the end of theEdo Era. The fact that this movement also spread into Tokushima area and thesimilarities of dancing forms and shapes led to this idea,bu t it can hardly be supportedsince Bon Odori had been being performed in Tokushima area before the "Eejanaika"movement.In conclusion,the theory ascribing the origin to Shoryo Odori seems to be mostconvincing because the Awa Dance had been called Bon Odori till the end of WorldWar II. More detailed investigation is being planned as to the theory relating the originto the spread through the Black Current,especially about musical accompaniment andother similar dances. Regarding theories conceming Huryu Odori and Eejanaika, thesedances should have influenced the Awa Dance, but cannot be considered as being itsorigin. The theory relating the origin to the construction of the new castle is consideredimpossible as many historians point out. Similarly the theory ascribing the origin tothanksgiving for harvesting crops is also untenable.
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