多文化クラスと創造性 : 学生による討論形態の模索から
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Cultural diversity causes a lot of communication problems due to the differences of communication styles and language levels. However, cultural diversity can become an advantage in creating new ideas. This paper shows a process of synergy which generates new discussion styles in a multicultural class. First, this paper points out several factors which cause communication breakdown between native and non native students. These are the differences in language levels, communication styles, and point of view of evaluation among the students. For example, the analysis of the student's evaluation shows : Japanese native students tend to evaluate focusing on empathy, cooperation, harmony, whereas non native Japanese students tend to evaluate focusing on openness, expressiveness, and new idea. As for the communication competence for self evalutation, native students tend to be negative whereas non native students tend to be positive. These differences cause the comunication breakdown among them. Secondly, this paper points out creativity as an advantage of diversity by showing the new discussion styles which was generated by the students themselves in a multicultural class e.g. the combination of discussion and debate, the combination of drama and debate etc. These new styles make them possible to communicate each other effectively. These process of generating new ideas can be considered as an example of the cultural synergy. Thirdly, this paper reveals several factors as contributing to the creativity in diversity ; building trust and self desclosing in the early stage of the group formation, facing the conflict, making group identity, having a competitive spirit among the groups.
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