話題化と否定要素前置 : 極小主義的見地から
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本稿では,英語の話題化,否定要素前置といった現象に対して,最近の極小主義の立場から,検討を行っている。英語の文構造にはCPとAGRSPとの間に話題要素の移動先として使われるTopicPが存在するという想定の下で,これらの現象が,話題要素とTopic内にある[+Topic]という形態素性の照合のために生じる現象であることを示す。In the minimalist program proposed in Chomsky and Lasnik (1991) and Chomsky (1992), it is assumed that verbs and nouns are drawn from the lexicon with morphological features such as Case and φ-features, and movements are driven by the necessuty for these morphological features to be checked against an appropriate functional category. In the spirit of the program, I explore topicalization and negative preposing and give a unified explanation for them. In the first section, several analyzation which have been proposed so far in the literature are introduced. In section 2, the basic clause structure of English is presented. And TopicP is postulated between CP and AGRSP, the Spec posotion of which can be occupied by atopic or a negative topic element. And in matrix clauses, wh-phrases can also move to the Spec posotion. This is why topicalization and wh- movement cannot take place at the same time in matrix clauses. And in section 3, it is shown that the strong feature [+Topic] in Topic triggers overt movement of a topic element with the feature. The negative element involved in negative preposing, which is assumed to be specified as [+Topic] as well as [+Neg], moves to [Spec, TopicP] in the overt syntax just as the ordinary topic element does. The only difference between topicalization and negative preposing is then whether the verb moves up to the Topic position or not. The difference can be explained by assuming that [+Neg] in Σ is weak in English.
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- 話題化と否定要素前置 : 極小主義的見地から