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現代の学枚教育においては,登校拒否,校内暴力,偏差値教育,落ちこぼれなどの問題が山積している。とりわけ子どもの日常生活と乖離したところに学校教育があることが問題である。これは学校だけに通用するもので学校知と呼ばれるものに終わってしまう傾向がある。それではどのような知識が今日の学校教育に求められているのだろうか。デューイは子どもの生活とは関係のない知識ではなく,日常生活を通して生活から学んでいく知識が必要であるといっている。学校知に対して,生活知ということができる。これに対してデューイのいう教育は断片的で広く浅いものでしかない,子どもには系統だてた知識を与えることが必要というブルーナーの批判がある。また純粋な知識に感動する心性も子どもに植えつけてやりたい。こうした知識は生活知に対して学問知ということができる。このように考察してみると生活知と学問知は一見反するように見受けられるけれど,どちらも現代の子どもには必要と考えられる。生活知と学問知を子どもの発達に合わせての習得が生き生きとした子どもをつくることとなるであろう。On contemporary school education in Japan, there are innumerable problems to solve, such as toko-kyohi (refusal to attend school), konai-boryoku (violence in schools), hensachi-kyoiku (education on the basis of deviation), ochikobore (dropouts). The greatest problem of all is that school education is now isolated from children's daily life. This state of affairs will lead children to obtain knowledge only in school ; that is, it can be said that children get school knowledge alone. Then, what kind of knowledge is being sought in the school educaation of today? J. Dewey states that children need knowledge that is developed in their daily life, but not one that has little relation with their life. The former type of knowledge can be referred to as life knowledge, as opposed to school knowledge. On the other hand, J. S. Bruner criticizes Dewey by claiming of that the kind of education he proposes is only fragmentary, vague, and shallow, and that children should be given knowledge in a systematic way. Moreover, it is expected that childeren will have a disposition to be impressed by pure knowledge. This kind of knowledge can be referred to as academic knowledge, as opposed to life knowledge. Judding from what we have mentioned above, it appears at first glance that life knowledge and academic knowledge are incompatible with each other. But, in fact, both kinds of knowledge are considered to be necessary for children of today. It is certain that children's acquiring both of them when they grow will give rise to children who are full of life.
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