- 論文の詳細を見る
Environmental parameters (water temperature, salinity, transparency, dissolved oxygen content(DO), and concentrations of chlorophyll a, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and silicate) affecting the primary production were investigated in Matoya Bay, central Japan, from July 1996 to September 1997. Salinity and concentrations of chlorophyll a and nitrate showed remarkable seasonal changes in the upper layers while DO and concentrations of nitrite and silicate were in the lower layers. Concentrations of nitrate and silicate, negatively correlated with salinity, were high in the upper layers. Different from the other nutrients, concentrations of nitrate and silicate were strongly influenced by river discharge. It was suggested that nitrite and phosphate were mainly supplied by regeneration from bottom sediment, deducing from that these two nutrients were at higher concentrations in the lower layer during summer when DO was low. Chlorophyll a concentration was lower in the inner part of the bay, while those of the nutrients were higher there. Judging from that, the environmental conditions in the inner part of the bay were under strong influence of river discharge from time to time, and the inner part of the bay would not always be a suitable site for aquaculture of oyster and pearl oyster.1996年7月から1997年9月にかけて的矢湾の低次生産環境要因(水温,塩分,透明度,溶存酸素量,クロロフィルa濃度,硝酸態窒素,亜硝酸態窒素,ケイ酸態ケイ素及びリン酸態リン)の観測調査を行った。その結果,塩分,クロロフィルa濃度及び硝酸態窒素は上層でより大きな季節変動を示したが,溶存酸素量,亜硝酸態窒素及びケイ酸態ケイ素は下層でより大きな変動を示した。また,表層において硝酸態窒素とケイ酸態ケイ素は低塩分時に高濃度を示すことから,河川水の影響を強く受けていることがわかった。これに対し,亜硝酸態窒素とリン酸態リンは,溶存酸素量が少なくなる夏季の下層で高濃度を示すことから,底土表層のバクテリアによる再生が寄与していることが示唆された。クロロフィルa濃度は,河口に近く栄養塩濃度が高い湾奥部よりも河川水の影響が比較的弱い水道部において高濃度を示した。また,本研究の調査結果と既知のカキとアコヤガイの生息環境の好適・不適条件を比較すると,的矢湾の湾奥部はカキと真珠の養殖漁場としては不適環境になる可能性のあることが示唆された。
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