下中弥三郎における教育の固有性の探究 (松井春満教授定年退官記念号)
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This paper is a study of an argument about a purpose and an ideal for education in educational thought of Yasaburo Shimonaka. I compare his argument with thought of Kyoson Tsutida, a critic of Neo-kantians. I consider influence of KulturPadagogoik and Lebensphilosophie at the time to Shimonaka. Shimonaka insisted on autonomy of an ideal of education , pedagogy. There are four points of view for educational worth that he gave. First is variety of attainable goal based on variety of the differrence among individuals. Second is importance of not result but process. Third is trust for possibirity of growth ; because human have life which autonomy, self-growth and ability to choose are inherent in. Forth is a point of view that he catched mutual stimulus and mutual contact as essence of educational human re lat ion.
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- 下中弥三郎における教育の固有性の探究 (松井春満教授定年退官記念号)
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