- 論文の詳細を見る
Lake Saroma is located in the northeast in Hokkaido. The circumference is 92km and the area of 150 km^2. The lake has the two mouths which are connected with Okhotsk sea. Scallop shells and persimmon shells, etc. are cultured in the lake. In the winter, the drift-ice is coming into the lake. The ice boom began to be constructed on the primary lake mouth in 1994,in order to stop the drift-ice comming into the lake. It consists of 13 spans, 1430m and 14 piers which support the boom wire. The construction water depth is 4m〜6m. 12 spans of the boom have been constructed by 1997. And, the ice boom is also planned at the second lake mouth, and under construction now. The observations were carried out in order to confirm drift-ice prevented effect of the boom. They are aerial photographs, marine meteorological phenomena, current, thickness of the ice, the tention which arises in the boom wire etc. This report analyzed the tension in the wire when the drift-ice is stopped by the boom. Equation (6.4) was got as the tension which arose in the wire of the ice boom at the primary lake mouth of the Saroma.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
- 2000-03-25
佐伯 浩
佐伯 浩
竹田 英章
竹田 英章
加藤 重信
工藤 政明
清水 敏晶
請川 昌之
(社)寒地港湾技術研究センター 第1調査研究部
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