- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to discuss the optimum future management plan for sustainable fishery, the numerical ecosystem model has been applied to Lake Saroma, which is one of the major sources of farmed scallops in Japan. The model includes the pelagic ecosystem, the benthic ecosystem and the scallop growth model. These factors were dynamically linked each other in the model. This structure provided the model with an ability to predict future water quality and production of scallops with sediment changes. As the preliminary step of discussion about the future management plan, the material flows during/after the spring bloom period in the lake were evaluated using the model. Then, the influences of the scallop aquaculture on the material cycle were evaluated quantitatively by comparing the cases-with and without the scallop aquaculture. The results show the followings. 1) The spring bloom had a great influence on scallop juvenile's growth, and the subsequent lower trophic level period didn't have a bad influence on the growth due to the rational farming cycle. 2) Since the farmed scallops kept 30% of N in the pelagic system in their body and were finally harvested, the aquaculture generally purified the water quality in the lake. However, the aquaculture would generate worse water quality at the bottom in the summer. Because the aquaculture has also the function like a pump that transfers the particle organic matter from the water to the sediment, the increased organic matter in the sediment would cause more release of nutrients and consumption of DO in the summer.
- 2007-07-15
若林 隆司
前川 公彦
佐藤 達明
若林 隆司
今津 雄吾
加藤 重信
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