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The nuclear magnetic resonance method was used to investigate the dynamic state of water molecules in mouse muscle. The muscle was removed under light anesthesia of intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital. The muscle tissue from soleus (slow-twitch muscle : ST) and gastrocnemius (fast-twitch muscle : FT) were punched out with a sharp edged Pyrex glass tube. The transverse relaxation time (T2) of water protons was obtained by Hahn's spin echo and CPMG methods (Carr-Purcell pulse sequence modified by Meiboom and Grill). And also, longitudinal relaxation time (T1) of water protons was obtained by inversion recovery method. The free induction decay of the echo signal was Fourier transformed to obtain water peak. The transverse magnetization decay curve of water signals from rat brain was measured in-vitro at 25℃ with 100mHZ Fourier-transform, NMR equipment (Nihon Denshi PS 100 and FT 100 system). The T1 value is no difference between FT and ST. The transverse magnetization decay curve from ST was biexponential, which cound be interpreted in terms of two compartment transverse relaxation times. The transverse magnetization decay curve from FT was biexponential using CPMG method. But, the transverse magnetization decay curve from Ft was monoexponential using SE method. The present study shows that dynamic state of water molecules is different when compared FT and ST. It was concluded that this technique is a powerful tool for better understanding of dynamic state of water molecules in different muscle compositions.
- 東海大学の論文
松前 光紀
厚見 秀樹
松前 光紀
東海大学 外科学系 脳神経外科学
松前 光紀
東海大 医
栗田 大作
厚見 秀樹[他]
松前 光紀
東海大学医学部 外科学系 脳神経外科領域
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