- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes the plural society of Songkhla in the mid-19th century using three Samrong bridge Inscriptions which are written in Thai, Chinese and -Jawi respectively. Songkhla lies between the Thai Buddhist and Malay Muslim spheres of influence. In the 17th century, the ruler of Songkhla was a Muslim but in the 18th century, the Muslim ruler of Phattalung who had placed Songkhla under his influence converted to Buddhism. Subsequently, the Hokkien Chinese Wu clan came to govern Songkhla. The cultural world of Buddhism and Islam overlapped here before the official demarcation of the Thai-Malay border in 1909 and the emergence of the Thai and Malay nation-states. According to the above Inscriptions, the monuments of the Samrong bridge were built in 1847 through the contribution of the ruler of Songkhla, his clan, and other people. The Samrong bridge was rebuilt as a stone bridge by the Chinese ruler of Songkhla. The Chinese Inscription highlights the Chinese governor's achievements and contains the names of Penang merchants from a long list of donors. The Thai Inscription describes a Buddhist ceremony which was observed by the Siamese, Khaek [Muslims], and Chinese. The Jawi Inscription contains the date of the Thai calendar translated into Malay and is basically similar to the Thai Inscription in terms of content. These Inscriptions help us understand the strong relations between Songkhla and the port-cities of the west coast of the Malay Peninsula in the second half of the 19th century.
- 上智大学の論文
- 2002-12-27
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