現代アルジェリアにおけるイスラムと国家 : 政教分離問題を中心に
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The process of "democratization" which Algeria experienced after the riots of October 1988,was quickly followed by the creation of a multitude of political parties; among them, the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) intended to found its program of action on an exclusively religious base. The legislation of the FIS, after its victory in the local election of 1990,urged a number of intellectuals and responsible persons of political formations to restablish the question of the relations between Islam and the State in contemporary Algeria. This article aims to examine the debate on the relation between the religion and the State in modern Algeria in the historical perspective, emphasizing the importance of the institutional approach and its political influences. Under the French colonization, the adoption of the law of the Republic of December 1905 (the separation of the Church and of the State) did not bring any incidence in the attitude of the administration regarding the Islamic religion. After the Independence 1962,the Algerian State instead of the colonial government controlled the religious space to continue the nonseparation of the religion and the State. This debate between Islam and the State in Algeria became intense in 1989-92,especially with the vigorous increase in power of the FIS. But it is very difficult to draw a definite conclusion from ths question, under such conditions as most of political parties hesitated to express their opinion about it and as the Islamist groups maintained the wide application of the Islamic law in the State.
- 上智大学の論文
- 1996-12-26
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- 現代アルジェリアにおけるイスラムと国家 : 政教分離問題を中心に
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