PIXE Analysis of Water Samples
Miyake H
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kobe University of Mercantile Marine
- Optical Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy on the Surface of Rice Callus after Treatment with Cell Wall Degrading Enzymes
- Ultrastructural Analysis of Electrofused Protoplasts from Pansy and Wild Viola by Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Salinity-Induced Ultrastructural Alteration in Leaf Cells of Rice(Oryza sativa L.)
- Cellularization of the Free Nuclear Endosperm in Rice Caryopsis Revealed by Light and Electron Microscopy
- Ultrastructure of Hybrid Callus between C_3 and C_4 Species of Amaranthaceae
- Ultrastructure of Fusion Product between Protoplasts from C_3 and C_4 Species of Amaranthaceae
- Effects of Salinity Stress on the Seminal Root Tip Ultrastructures of Rice Seedlings (Oryza sativa L.)
- Genetic Diversity of Regeneration Ability in Anther Culture of Rice(Oryza sativa L.)
- Improvement of Direct Somatic Embryogenesis in Rice by Selecting the Optimal Developmental Stage of Explant and Applying Desiccation Treatment
- Epidermal Cell Wall Biogenesis with Emphasis on Cuticular Layer Formation during Direct Somatic Embryogenesis in Rice
- Somaclonal Variation in Regenerants Derived from Anther Culture of Rice (Oryza sativa L. )
- PIXE Analysis of Water Samples
- Portable and High-Sensitive Apparatus for Measurement of Environmental Radon Using CR-39 Track Detector