東京高等師範学校の課外スポーツに関する歴史的研究(I) : 明治期を中心として
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This study investigated the emergent process of the extra-curricular sport activities before the organization of the Koyu-kai(Students' body), and the activities of Undo-bu(sport club) that belonged to the Koyu-kai of the Tokyo Higher Normal School(THNS). This study investigated mainly Meiji Era. In THNS after the organization of Yoriai-kai (1880) and the Undo-kai (a meet for athletic sports, that was established in 1886), the Koyu-kai governing extra-curricular activities was set up in October 1901. The earliest extra-curricular sport activities in THNS were only tennis and rowing. The Undo-kai organizad had seven Undo-bu(sport club) - judo, kendo, kyudo, apparatus gymnastics and sumo, tennis, association football, and baseball. As the oraganization of Koyu-kai the Undo-bu increased in number. There were ten clubs - judo, kendo, kyudo, apparatus gymnasitics, tennis, association football, baseball, rowing, bicycle, and sumo. In 1902,two clubs (swimming and track-and-field) were established in the Koyu-kai and next year three clubs (sumo, bicycle, apparatus gymnastics) were excluded from the Koyu-kai. The feature of the Undo-bu of the Koyu-kai in THNS in the Meiji Era were as follows. 1)There were two types : one was "compulsory" Iike swimming, and the other was "free will" . 2)Foreign sports like tennis were introduced at the very early stage in Japan. 3)The Undo-bu of the Koyu-kai contributed to the introduction and popularization of sports by publishing the books (association football) and sponsoring the meeting(tennis, track-and-field, swimming etc.). 4)The performance were at high level and Shizo Kanaguri (track-and-field) took part in the 5th Olympic Games(1912).
- 高知学園短期大学の論文
- 1998-03-31
- 〈原著〉 スポーツマンシップ・ブラザーフッド その創始と「スポーツマンシップ」の性格
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