日本の近代体育の形成過程におけるダイオ・ルイスの体操の影響 : 『男女及び子供の新体操』(第15版)と『新撰体操書』の比較を中心に
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This is a basic study to unravel the influence of Dio Lewis' gymnastics on the formation of modern Japanese physical education and aims to examine "The New Gymnastics for Men, Women and children" (Dio Lewis, 1876) and "New Selected Gymnastics" (Institute of Gymnastics, 1882) The followings became clear. 1) Some exercises like Mutual-Help Exercises a Pin Running of "The New Gymnastics for Men, Women and children" were not included in "New Selected Gymnastics" . 2) But main exercises like Free Gymnastics, Heavy Gymnastics (Dumb-Bells, The Rings, The Wand, The Indian Club, Bean-Bags) of the former were similar to those of the latter. 3) However, the degree varies; Free Gymnastics, Ring Gymnastics and Bean-Bag Gymnastics have a lot of similarity, Dumb-Bell Gymnastics have comparatively small, and as for Indian Club Gymnastics there's little similarity between the two books.
- 1999-03-31
- 日本の近代体育の形成過程におけるダイオ・ルイスの体操の影響 : 『男女及び子供の新体操』(第15版)と『新撰体操書』の比較を中心に
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