- 論文の詳細を見る
The lamellar structures of human molar cementum were compared with the degree of mineralization and fibrous components by light and scanning electron microscopy, and also by contact microradiography. The lamellar structures of cementum in acid-etched ground sections were showed in light microscopy, but not with scanning electron microscopy. Narrow groove demarcated-lamellae in the sections were observed by scanning electron microscopy for the first time by treatment with 5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes followed by 0.5M hydrochloric acid for 20 seconds. These lamellar structures were classified into the Sharpey's fiber layers and matrix fiber layers according to the fibrous components. Sharpey's fibers running perpendicular to the root surface were the main components in the Sharpey's fiber layers. Matrix fiber layers were principally composed of matrix fibers running parallel to the root surface, and then formed from both cross- and longitudinal-sectional layers of matrix fibers. Intersecting fibers crossing the matrix fibers were observed among the matrix fiber bundles. The incremental lines of cementum. which were showed as lierht bands (2-5μm in width) by light microscopy, coincided with radiopaque (hypermineralized) lines in the contact microradiographs. These hypermineralized lines were frequently adjacent to narrow, radiolucent (hypomineralized) lines. The incremental lines agreed with the boundary between hyper- and hypo-mineralized lamellae in the area of unclear hypermineralized lines. The narrow grooves treated with hypochlorite and acid overlapped mostly with the hypomineralized lines adjacent to the incremental (hypermineralized) ones. These results suggest that the incremental lines of cementum correspond to intermittent planes of mineralization and ground substances.
- 北海道医療大学の論文
- 1993-12-31
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