- 論文の詳細を見る
This comprehensive study examined both the physical and mental conditioning of highly trained long-distance Ekiden runners immediately preceding national and/or local level Ekiden races using several indices to obtain appropriate conditioning methods. The subjects were members of several powerful Ekiden teams in Hiroshima prefecture. The results and interpretation are summarized as follows: 1) Only one men's team (Hiroshima University Varsity Ekiden Team) and two women's teams (Hiroshima University and Hiroshima University of Economics Varsity Ekiden Team) passed the ideal physical and mental conditions immediately preceding the Ekiden races. These results indicate that it is difficult to pass ideal conditions for Ekiden races even for highly trained athletes. 2) Different trends existed among CPK enzyme activities and rate of perceived fatigue in female runners. This suggests that there might be a risk for poor performance if the degree of fatigue was assessed using subjective estimation.
- 広島経済大学の論文
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