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Synthetic investigations have been periodically carried out on environmental pollution caused by nematicide PCNB (quintozene, pentachloronitrobenzene), its derivative PCA (pentachloroaniline), PCB (pentachlorobenzene) and HCB (hexachlorobenzene) around a tableland cabbage farm area in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Every May, 6 kg PCNB per 10a area is mixed into soil over 2480ha farm. Soil contamination was around 100μg/g in July. High level air pollution of some μg/㎥ occurred by volatility from soil in summer, and was restrained with the coldness in winter. Only less than 2% of the total PCNB mixed in the soil was washed away off, which causes water pollution of some μg/l. These materials contained in the farm products, were much less than those in the soil. It is self-destruction like a narcotic addict to use a large quantity of pesticide, planting with only cabbage over and over for many years. Now, villagers in this area begin to change their way of agriculture for the better.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
加藤 龍夫
槌田 博
花井 義道
佐川 房江
加藤 龍夫
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