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Abstract The recent analytical results obtained in our laboratory for monitoring the quality of Matsukawa river and groundwaters in the Yonezawa territory are summarized. The concentrations of typical cations and anions as well as chlorinated hydrocarbons were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry, ion chromatography and gas chromatography. The high levels of hydrogen and sulfate ion concentrations in the river water were observed at the upper streams of Matsukawa river, where closed sulfer mine had been located. An increase of hydrogen and sulfate ions is due to air oxidation of ore residues and their subsequent dissolution in running water, which deteriorates the quality of rivdr waters. The discharge of polluted water into the boreholes (depth:80m) significantly contributed to the remediation of water quality. Using analytical data on ground water, the distribution patterns of four elements (Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl- and SO42-) were mapped. This profile is useful to estimate the flow direction of groundwater. The pollution of groundwater by chlorinated hydrocarbons was demonstrated in the central part of the city. Thus, in 1994, tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene were detected 11 and 27 out of the 50 samples analyzed, respectively.
- 山形大学の論文
- 2001-02-15
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