<研究集録>1990年代の中国外交における日中関係 : 中国外交白書の分析を中心に
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the meaning of the Sino-Japanese relations for the side of Chinese diplomacy, in which the two governments made an agreement of building the 'partnership' in 1998. In the 1990s Sino-Japanese relations experienced two major events ; the one is Japanese emperor's visit to China in 1992, and the other is Chinese president Jiang Zemin's visit to Japan in 1998. The Chinese government's evaluation on various events or policies are drawn in the annual Chinese Diplomacy White Paper, so this paper makes analysis by using the White Papers. This paper consists of three parts: analysis of the explanations of Sino-Japanese relations in the Chinese Diplomacy White Paper; to point out the characteristics of Sino-Japanese relations in the 1990s; a review of China's recognition of international situation and Chinese diplomatic activities. A conclusion is that though Sino-Japanese relations reached the same level as those between China and other 'major' states, the Chinese government implied her intention of maintaining the leading position against Japan as well as strengthening bilateral economic relation.
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