冷戦後の中国外交政策における「日中関係の枠組み」の変容 : 1990年代を分析対象として
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The purpose of this paper is to explain the kinds of "framework of Sino-Japanese relations" the Chinese government explored in the China's diplomacy after Cold War, especially during the 1990s. This paper divides Sino-Japanese relations in the 1990s into three periods. The analysis consists of four parts: the analysis of China's recognition of international situations; the analysis of China's diplomatic policies; the characteristics of political dialogues, economic and other practical relations between the two countries; and the analysis of the "framework of Sino-Japanese relations" based on China's policy toward Japan over some critical issues. The results of the analysis are as follows. In the first period, from June 1989 to November 1992, China provisionally introduced a framework that placed emphasis on the deepening of "friendly and cooperative relations" between China and Japan rather than China's relations with the other developed countries. In the second period, from December 1992 to November 1996, as a transition period, China tried to balance the establishment of "major power" relations with Japan, while ensuring Japan's observance of the principles in "historical issue" and "Taiwan issue." In the third period, from December 1996 to October 2000, China tried to establish a framework of "friendly and cooperative partnership" with Japan.
- 2008-10-01
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