「印欧人」の社会政治史 : 血統主義と属地主義の相剋 (<特集>植民地都市の社会史 : オランダ領東インドの事例)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。In 1912 and 1913,the Indische Partij propagated not only Indies nationalism and independent "national existence" based on the territorial principle but also Indies citizenship, that is, equal citizenship for all persons who recognized the Indies as their fatherland, regardless of race, class, sex or ethnicity. The party had attracted strong support among the Indo-Europeans, that is, people of mixed native and the European blood. But after the government refused to recognize the party as legal organization and exiled three of its leaders to the Netherlands, the once-enthusiastic support disappeared without leading to social disorder. In 1919,the Indo-Europeesch Verbond (Indo-European Union) or IEV was established and soon developed into the leading organization of Indo-Europeans. The IEV, strongly oriented to the European blood, aimed to promote the social and economic interests of Indo-Europeans as a component of Dutch society in the Indies. This change meant that Indo-Europeans abandoned Indies nationalism based on the territorial principle and attempted to assimilate themselves with the Dutch based on blood orientation. Apart from the political situation, especially the surge of native nationalism and the emergence of political parties that accompanied the opening of the Volksraad (National Council) in 1918,this shift of political attitude by the Indo-Europeans was also affected very much by the change of their socio-economic position. Their social position through their long history was not fixed. In the 19th century, many of them were impoverished lower clerks. The major factor in their inability to compete with the totok, the Dutch newcomers, was their inferior education. As their poverty worsened towards the end of that century, anti-Netherlands sentiment among them grew stronger. This sentiment was channeled into Indies nationalism and culminated in their tremendous support of the Indische Partij. But from the beginning of the 20th century, the socio-economic situation of the Indo-Europeans began to change drastically. Educational opportunities improved greatly under the Ethical Policy, although this benefitted the natives much more. The development of the economy and expansion of government services during the first three decades of the 20th century brought significant changes in the labor market for Indo-Europeans. These changes brought them to higher social status. From about the time of World War I, the majority of the Indo-Europeans came to constitute a middle class, and their competitors in the labor market were no longer the totok but the educated natives. At the same time, the upper stratum of Indo-Europeans began to assimilate completely with that of the Dutch. As far as the Dutch and the Indo-Europeans were concerned, the process of formation of social order in a so-called plural society was thus completed in the 1920s.
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