1913年のインドネシア : 東インド党指導者国外追放の社会的背景 (<特集> インドネシア国民の形成 : 故土屋健治教授を偲んで)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。It is well known in the history of the nationalist movement in Indonesia that E. F. E. Douwes Dekker, Cipto Mangunkusumo and Suwardi Suryaningrat were exiled by the colonial government in September 1913 because of their "dangerous propaganda." The legal basis for their exile was not any specific law, such as one for regulation of the press, but the exorbitant rights vested in the Governor-General by the Regeringsreglement, the fundamental law of the colonial Indies. Suwardi's pamphlet "If I were a Dutchman, " and his article in the Expres in July 1913 were the immediate cause of the incident. The Expres was a daily paper in Dutch run by Douwes Dekker and the organ of the Indische Partij during the party's existence between September 1912 and March 1913. The outline of the affair and the contents of the pamphlet have been described and analyzed by the late Prof. Tsuchiya Kenji. It seems worthwhile, however, to point out a numbers of additional factors that formed the background to such an extreme reaction by the government. As such, this paper describes the critical social circumstances and public unrest of the time, in the years 1912 and 1913,such as natural disasters, the lack of rain in the rainy season, the widespread prevalence of the plagues of insects, the scarcity and high price of rice, the disturbances and clashes caused first by nationalistic Chinese and then by members of the Sarekat Islam and, last but not the least, the tremendous growth of the Sarekat Islam. Another important issue was the plan to publish Hindia Mulia (Expres Melayu), a Malay edition of the Expres. Using one page of the above-mentioned pamphlet, Cipto and Suwardi announced the publication of the daily from the middle of August 1913 and called for subscriptions. Now "the dangerous thought" of Douwes Dekker would not be limited to the Dutch press, but would be propagated by natives directly to native society. This seems to be the decisive factor that led the government to exile them.
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