ベンガルデルタ低地部の作付体系 : 技術変容と作付体系展開の地域間比較(<特集>バングラデシュの農業と農村)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper deals with the changes in cropping systems in the low-lying floodplain of Bangladesh. Four villages with different ecological characteristics and agricultural practices have been surveyed from 1986 to 1989. The cropping systems of the villages are changing drastically toward double rice cropping systems and new rice-based multiple cropping systems. The double rice cropping systems have been largely introduced with the environment-formative technology, like pump irrigation, embankments and sluice gates. These systems are now being succeeded by new rice-based multiple cropping systems, owing to (1) the flood-protection embankment project, and (2) farmer-innovated environment-adaptive technologies, for example, transplanting deep water aman rice. While the former technologies seek to alter the floodplain environment prevailing in the low-lying areas of the Bengal delta, the latter seek to utilize it.
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