<研究ノート>ドイモイ後のベトナムの社会変動 : 南北格差の視点から
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This is a research note about the social change of contemporary Vietnam. Research period is from 1985 to 1998. The purpose of this note is to find out what results have arouse to apply to the Renovation policy. Referring sources are as follows. 1 statistical data book published by the government 2 special report of the East-West Center 3 some Japanese books about Vietnam 4 our own field interview survey that have conducted in 1998 Following 3 dominant findings, which related to economic sphere of social change have analyzed. 1 discrepancy between Northern part and Southern part have been spreading 2 discrepancy between city area and rural area have been increasing 3 discrepancy between industrial part and agricultural part have been widening We can say that the Renovation policy that aims to change from the distribution of poverty to shared affluence has not still accomplished.
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