米国における市民バレーボール・リーグの参加チームに関する調査 : ミネソタ州セント・クラウド市の例
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This brief survey is intended to present information regarding the formation/organization of the teams participating in the city volleyball league in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Another purpose is to compare it with teams in Japan. Before referring to the results, I would like to briefly allude to what my impression of the recreation program in St. Cloud was. The general impression I received while participating in and observing many activities was that sports and recreation are very much a part of the daily lives of each individual. The recreation departments in municipalities are very much in touch with the needs and wants of their respective residents. The enthusiasm on the part of the residents was quite strong. The outline of the results are as follows; 1) The rules were bent and designed in such a way that everybody, including beginners, could thoroughly enjoy and participate in sports. 2) It seems that each team consists of one or two more players than are necessary to play a game, which provides maximum opportunity for each individual to participate. 3) Most teams had sponsors and many individuals belonging to the team were in their thirties or forties. Usually in Japan we do not have such sponsors and middle age persons do not participate as much in team activities. 4) Many of the team especially the men's team do not have an outside coach. If available, captains of men's teams want to get an expert coach to direct team. 5) They do not feel fully satisfied about the quality of referees in the league.
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- 米国における市民バレーボール・リーグの参加チームに関する調査 : ミネソタ州セント・クラウド市の例
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