遠藤 修
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Technology Gunma University
遠藤 修
遠藤 修
Endo Osamu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Technology Gunma University
Endo Osamu
Depertment Of Physics And Applied Physics Faculty Of Technology Gunma University
- HIPAC103 による HARP5020ソースプログラムのエラーチェック
- Realistic Density Funcion of Alpha Particle
- 30p-ED-7 α粒子の現実的な密度関数
- T-matrix on Glauber Apporximation Based on Variational Method
- 都市計画システムについて
- 都市計画システムについて
- 都市計画システムについて
- Correction to the Glauber Approximation by the Variational Method
- Correction to the Glauber Approximation by the Variational Method
- Determination of 3,6-dinitrobenzo[e]pyrene in Surface Soil and Airborne Particles, and Its Possible Sources, Diesel Particles and Incinerator Dusts
- Nicotine, Tar, and Mutagenicity of Mainstream Smoke Generated by Machine Smoking with International Organization for Standardization and Health Canada Intense Regimens of Major Japanese Cigarette Brands
- Effects of Fish (Mackerel Pike) Broiling on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Contamination of Suspended Particulate Matter in indoor Air
- Particle Size Effects on the Deposition Ratios of Airborne Particles in the Respiratory Tract
- Dioxin Concentration of Particulate and Gaseous Substances in the Ambient Air by Particle Size : Comparison between Specimens Collected in Summer and in Winter at Tokyo
- Mutagenicity of Suspended Particulate Matter Divided in Three Sizes Indoors
- Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Concentration and Mutagenicity of Airborne Particles in Urban Air : Comparison of Tokyo Area and Santiago
- Inhibition of Intercellular Communication in BALB/3T3 Fibroblasts by Cigarette Smoke Condensates
- Evaluation of umu Test using Chemiluminescence
- Mutagenicity of Size-Fractioned Airborne Particles Collected with Andersen Low Pressure Impactor
- α-α Interaction at High Energies
- A Possibility of Alpha-Cluster Structure in ^Mg Nucleus
- Alpha-Cluster plus ^O-Core Model for ^Ne and Neighboring Nuclei
- High Energy α-α Scattering
- Phenomenological α-α Potential
- Variational Calculation of Alpha-Cluster Model for ^Mg