- 論文の詳細を見る
The porpose of the this study was intended to investigate Akita educational society as propulsive part for school gymnastics, Bujutsu and sports in the Taisho era. This society propeled school education and gymnastics acoording to plan of thewar footing in spite of a bad crop in first half era. In 1924 Society was reorganizedby "Taisho democracy" and was formed perfect private Organization.Society executed the plan of equipment standard for school gymnastics andguidance tour of the gymnastic consultant in order to enforcement of "the gymnasticssyllabus for shool" (1913).Akita educational society encourgaged positively following kinds of Bujutsu andsports.1. Bujutsu meeting CKendo and Judo) for high school and elementary school.2. Acourse meeting for swimming. A exercise place was seted up at the seaside.3. Outdoor sports in winter. Skete, athletic meeting on the snow and especially ski.But all meetings were discontinued by renovation of organization in 1924. Societydenied not those, but Akita prefecture abolished subsidies for meeting. Akitaeducational society encouraged school gymnastics and sports in accord with thissituation in Taisho era, but was not able to perform initiative roll.
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