- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the optical illusion by colors on the performance of ball throwing task to target. In experiment 1 , it is examined how the apparent distances of the targets were affected by changes in the color of the target. Subjects are required to visually compare the distance to the target in the controled condition with the distance in the experimental condition. The color of the target in the control condition is black. The colors for targets in the four experimental conditions are red, orange, blue, and navy. The result indicates that, the apparent distances in the blue and navy conditions are farter than the apparent distances in the red and orange conditions. In experiment 2 , the effect of optical illusion by colors on performances in ball throwing task are examined. Subjects are required to practice 50 trials under the controled condition. After a brief rest they are required to throw for twelve trials under the experimental condition. The colors of targets in the experimental conditions aer the same as in experiment 1. The distances to the target in the experimental condition are 7m for male or 6m for female. The average scores in each color in the experimental condition are analyzed. The results are as follows. The targets of red and orange are hitted under the targets than those of blue and navy. It is suggested that the motor performances are effected by optical illusions of distances by colors.
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