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記事区分:資料Land degradation in Latin American Countries has been progressing rapidly due mainly to over-grazing, deforestation, and inappropriate cultivation practices. The resulting decline of crop yields has led to the expansion of cultivation to marginal lands, which in the end has further accelerated the land degradation with increasing population and prevailing poverty. To alleviate these problems, this paper presents a new approach and discusses the importance of involving small farmers, who are the direct managers of local resources. The importance of initiating activities from a small basin in an integrated manner is also discussed. To encourage the participation of small farmers, it is important to address not only the direct causes of land degradation, but poverty issues and other problems that those farmers face on a daily basis. Functions of local NGOs and their capacity to undertake development activities need to be assessed properly so that they can be effectively integrated into the development process.
- 1998-03-31
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