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[Synopsis] GDP share of Australian agriculture is only 2.2%, but the export share of agriculture is 12%, which has declined from 65% in 1960-61. About 60% of agricultural production is for export, and Japan is the biggest importer of Australian agricultural products. Wheat, barley, beef and milk products from Australia have relatively large share in Japan. In this regard, the agricultural production in Australia has a direct impact on the import and food availability in Japan. After 2000, Australia experienced severe and prolonged droughts and climate variability, and the agricultural export of Australia has been in declining trend, which could pose serious threat to the food security in Japan. In this study, Australian agriculture is analyzed from the point of limited water resources with average annual rainfall of 472 mm. Agricultural sector is the biggest user of water in Australia, consuming about 65% of available water. To overcome the variability of rainfall and water shortage, water market and trading was introduced in the 1980s, which has become very active in recent years. Conditions and impacts of water market and trading are analyzed to understand the future prospects of water and Australian agriculture.
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