- 論文の詳細を見る
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is believed to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity of fish oil. However, EPA also causes production of a lipid peroxide (LPO) in vivo because it has one more double bond than arachidonic acid (AA). We studied both effects of fish oil on administered lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Male Wistar rats were allowed to take a low-fat feed containing 15% cod-liver oil (FO Group) or 15% safflower oil (SO Group) for 6 weeks and then administered intraperitoneally 10 mg/kg of LPS. Controls were given physiological saline alone. Blood and liver-tissue leukotriene B_4 (LTB_4) and LPO were determined 2 and 4 hours after administration of LPS or saline. LPS significantly enhanced blood LTB_4 levels (pg/ml) 4 houns after administration in comparison with the saline administered group : significantly higher levels in the SO Group (1,313.0±389.6,n=8) than in the FO Group (594.0±151.7,n=7) (p<0.001 ). White blood cell count (WBC; /mm^3) was lowered in the SO Group than in the FO Group 4 hours after administration of LPS (2,013±422 vs 3,200±697,p<0.01). The concentration of LTB_4 varied in liver tissue (pg/wet・g) as well as in blood (425.3±96.0 in the FO Group (n=7) ; 704.8±117.8 in the SO Group (n=8), p<0.001). Plasma GOT and GPT indicated more severe hepatic dysfunction in the FO Group. The FO Group showed significantly higher LPO levels in plasma and liver tissue prior to LPS administration (p<0.001 in both). These findings suggested that dietary-fish-oil feeding lowered the levels of LTB_4 and reduction of WBC induced by LPS while it increased the accumulation of LPO and that it aggravated hepatic disorder caused by LPS.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1992-03-25
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