- 論文の詳細を見る
To assess the relationship between the intestinal endotoxin and the development of hepatic carcinoma, 2-acetylaminofluorene (2AAF), a potential carcinogenic agent, was administered to male Wistar rats. In the animals, the portal venous endotoxin concentration (PEt), and the activity of hepatic ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), a marker-enzyme of carcinogenic promotion, were serially determined. Six-week-old rats fed normal diets were divided into two groups ; one group was given water containing antibiotics (AB, polymyxin B 1,000U/ml plus neomycin 0.35mg/ml) ad libitum and the other group given tap-water. At 9 weeks old, the two groups were subdivided into the rats given 2AAF and those not given 2AAF. The rat subgroup given AB and 2AAF (AB+2AAF ; n=84) and the other group given only 2AAF (2AAF ; n=84) were mainly studied. From the 7th week following 2AAF-administration, the weekly elevation of PEt (normal range 3.0±1.7pg/ml, mean±SD) was significantly inhibited in the AB+2AAF group compared with the level in the 2AAF group (0.8±0,4 vs 5.6±1.4 at the 7th week ; p<0.01 and 2.8±0.7 vs 6.7±1.2 at the 12th week ; p<0.05). The weekly elevation of ODC-activity (pmoles 14 CO_2/30min/mg protein) in the AB+2AAF group also was significantly inhibited compared with the activity in the 2AAF group (4.9±1.1 vs 22.5±7.4 at the 7th week ; p<0.05 and 1.5±0.6 vs 4.4±0.8 at the 12th week ; p<0.05). Neorlastic nodules arising in liver are thought to be precancerous, and their involvements were more frequent in the 2AAF group than in the AB+2AAF group (p<0.05). These results suggest that PEt may be a promotor affecting the early carcinogenic process of the liver. Oral administration of nonabsorbable antibiotics to reduce PEt may be a possible prophylaxis against the carcinogenesis.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1991-09-25
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