- 論文の詳細を見る
Potential Japanese pharmacists, having completed the necessary course, have to take the national examination of pharmacist in order to certify their ability and to qualify. Since a pharmacist qualifies by passing the national examination, we consider that a preparatory curriculum should be fully covered by the time of graduation in order that students are certain to be successful in the examination. A course of study under the name of 'Studies of Pharmacopoeia Japonica and Pharmaceutics' (S. P. J. P.) has been set up at our college to help students acquire a comprehensive knowledge as well as to give entire revisions. It is specially designed to prepare students for the national examination. It is, therefore, desirable to be able to check each student's progress and her weak areas, and accordingly to give her an immediate feedback for her revision. Thus, a new computer system to manage this specific study has been developed in our laboratory so as to make the curriculum work effectively and efficiently. The new system allows for the marking of students' mark cards and for the outputting of various data such as the ratio of correct and incorrect answers, statistical analysis of results and individual students' records. It has made it possible not only to process data of students' records but also to re-evaluate the subject in terms of the national examination. As a result, it has been successful in providing us with enough useful information to consider planning an examination-oriented curriculum. We believe that our system has brought a meaningful step towards introducing a computer system in our college.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 1988-03-25
- 便秘の実態と便秘薬服用の問題点 : 第 2 報
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