<原報>震災時における医薬品供給 : IDDM 患者への医薬品供給
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At 5 : 46 a.m. on 17th January in 1995,the Great Hanshin Quake occurred, measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale, and causing 5,502 deaths, 41,521 injuries, 2 missing, and a damage estimated at \9,926.8 trillion in total. Since the earthquake took place early in the morning, it was first thought to be a small scale earthquake, first judging from the information available. However, as dawn broke over the towns and the cities in the district, it unveiled a total disaster. Furthermore, all the lifeline had been cut and left completely unfunctioning. It has since been pointed out that there were problems about medical provisions immediately after the disaster. The authors closely examined the route of medical supplies and how the government and the Pharmaceutical Association dealt with the emergency to point out underlying problems regarding medical provisions, and problems regarding the actions the Ministry of Health and Welfare took right after the quake. We also surveyed how IDDM patients, who go into come and eventually die if they go without insulin injections, managed to obtain indispensable insulin and necessary equipment for their treatment.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 1996-03-25
福島 紀子
福島 紀子
福島 紀子
共立薬科大学 社会薬 学講座
福島 紀子
Division Of Social Pharmacy Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
松本 佳代子
Division Of Social Pharmacy Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
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