- 論文の詳細を見る
The Pharmacist law stipulates that the National Examination aims to assess candidates' necessary knowledge and required skills as a pharmacist. With the remarkable advances in both medical and pharmaceutical fields along with other related fields, there have been drastic changes in society demanding better cultivation of pharmacists' professional abilities and technical skills. Meanwhile, pharmacists have been making an important contributtion in more extensive areas nowadays. As one of the attempts to meet social demands, a comprehensive improvement was made in the 73rd examination : from biannual to annual, setting a greater number of question items. It is obvious that the National Examination should not restrict the academic curriculum for its own purposes, nor should it necessarily cover the entire range of studies. Yet we need to grasp examination questions comprehensively and to check students' progress, as long as it is absolutely necessary for potential pharmacists to pass the examination to qualify. In this report, the examination question types are closely examined in every subject area by comparing the new 73rd paper and the past papers of the previous five years. Since the 72nd examination, graduates' answers are input for our new data processing system reported in the previous paper to provide a correct answer rate for every question item. Hence, it has become possible to estimate the difficulty of each question and to feedback the statistical figures, obtained for every question of all subjects respectively, to each college department. It provides detailed data on candidates' shortcomings, which will certainly help us to compose a future curriculum for examination preparations.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 1988-03-25
福島 紀子
福島 紀子
福島 紀子
共立薬科大学 社会薬 学講座
福島 紀子
Division Of Social Pharmacy Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
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